As a photo hobbyist i always feel like I need to work more to improve my skills. The previous photo shoot was a lot of challenge to me because of the weather and lighting conditions. Louis and Ellain were here in Lubbock for the Thanksgiving weekend and I had a couple of hours before work. Why not do a photo shoot? But it seems like nature was against me. It was freezing that early morning and temperature was climbing slow. Hoping it might get a bit warmer by noon, tolerable enough not to wear thick jackets the whole time. The Gods were good to me! So it was a green light on that one!
I started searching online for engagement photos locally. No disrespect to fellow photographers they kind of look the same...Parks...Lakes...Grass... I was reading photography articles and browsing the web inspired me with new ideas, Why not Industrial Revolution! I realized that there was plenty of nice back grounds with rich texture and color to experiment with. A nice place to shoot doesn't necessarily mean a very elegant and formal place. Sometimes abandoned buildings have an excellent potential for a photo shoot. Huge and rusty steel pipes looked perfect the moment I saw it! I have no idea what those were, so safety first, I threw something on it to see if it has electricity flowing and there was none. I know this sounds stupid but I tried to touch it too! (Not a good idea!) I just wanted to make sure it was safe for the the couple and I to venture on. As we were doing our photo shoot I heard the train coming I just stopped, looked back, and saw the railroad crossing sign. I started running towards the sign and called down the couple. I had to act fast so we can capture the train in the background. I set up my camera manually, looked for a nice angle, focused, and took the shot! That was exciting! Well at least for me it was!
We also tried to go to the Ranching Heritage but it was too late when we realized that it was a Sunday and they were closed. We wanted to take advantage of the old houses and tons of interesting stuff inside the RH Center. There's gotta be a second option...there are herd of Longhorns in front of the Ranching Heritage so we decided to try that out and it turned out well. Satisfied with my shots and running late for work, I had to say thank you and goodbye again to Louis and Ellain.
So here's how DreamPixel Studios look at Art in a contemporary view. Don't forget to hit the like button at the top of the page! Thanks for reading! Enjoy!
My name is Osby and this is my hobby.
My name is Osby and this is my hobby.